COSC 426LA F24 Lab 2


The purpose of this lab is to give you hands on experience using the NLPScholar toolkit to answer a question about the linguistic knowledge of a pre-trained transformer language model. By completing this lab, you will demonstrate that you can:


This lab assumes that you have already cloned the NLPScholar repository and have installed the nlp environment by following the instructions in


This lab has one part:

  1. Go from linguistic phenomenon to model evaluation

Provided files

What to submit

Part 0

Before starting each lab, get the latest version of the NLPScholar repo by first navigating to the folder on terminal and then executing:

    git pull

Additionally, a package is missing that you need for today. With the nlp environment activated run:

    pip install seaborn

Part 1: Ideation (120 minutes)

Consider the following motivating examples:

  1. Sally frightened Mary because she was so terrifying.
  2. Sally feared Mary because she was so terrifying.

Technically, the pronoun in both 1 and 2 is ambiguous. However, speakers report strong preferences for who she should refer to in these sentences. Take a minute to check your judgments.

The core insight is that speakers prefer she to refer to the subject Sally in 1 and the object Mary in 2. The sentences are otherwise the same, so it must be the verbs frightened and feared which modulate preferences. That is, these sentences form a minimal pair where the main verb (frightened or feared) is varied.

In fact, many (possibly all) languages have verbs like this (Harshorne et al., 2013). These verbs are called implicit causality verbs. There are two types: subject implicit causality verbs like frightened and object implicit causality verbs like feared. Our research question today is Do transformer-based language models learn implicit causality? We will narrow this to a sub-question: Does distilgpt2 learn the implicit causality bias of verbs? Your tasks in this lab is to answer this question.

In this first part, think through with your group how can answer this question using the toolkit. Here’s some things to keep in mind to help get you started:

Subject IC Object IC
frightened feared
bored believed
frustrated encouraged
betrayed cherished
amazed blamed
confused divorced
amused revered
worried trusted
haunted liked
upset valued

In this part, you should use the interact mode to test some initial ideas for how to evaluate the model’s knowledge. To help scaffold you here, consider this google sheet. It includes the format you should use to organize your experiment on the sheet labeled data. There are columns included to help you think through what information you should included. See the MinimalPairAnalysis document for more details on these column names.

Using interact mode you should fill in the results table with your initial explorations. You should develop by the end of this sentences and an initial result by aggregating over your results table (in the results sheet)