COSC 426 F24 Lab 1


The purpose of this lab is to introduce you to the NLPScholar toolkit we will be using in the class and to serve as a Python refresher. By completing this lab, you will demonstrate that you can:


This lab assumes that you have already cloned the NLPScholar repository and have installed the nlp environment by following the instructions in


This lab has three parts:

  1. Read through the documentation of the toolkit and answer questions.
  2. Write three helper functions in Python.
  3. Develop intutions about the predictability estimates that the toolkit returns. To do this, you will select some sentences to explore with the helper functions from part 2, and answer some questions.

Provided files

What to submit

Part 0

Before starting each lab, get the latest version of the NLPScholar rep by first navigating to the folder on terminal and then executing

    git pull

Part 1 (Suggested time: 30 minutes)

Read through the README of the Toolkit. Use the google doc template to answer the following questions:

  1. Which experiment and mode would you use if you want to:

  2. Write a config file that can train a roberta-large model on the wikitext-103-v1 dataset, which is within a larger Salesforce/wikitext dataset. Set the modelfpath to wiki_model.

  3. Where will the model that you trained in step 2 be saved?

  4. You’ve trained a model to detect sarcasm and called it sarcasm_model. Evaluate this model on a new set of sentences called test.tsv which is stored in the following folder: data/sarcasm/. Set the predfpath as test_results.tsv

  5. Where will the predictions you generated be saved?

  6. Write a config file that will use the pretrained huggingartists/taylor-swift causal langauge model, and give you word by word predictability estimates for any sentence that you enter.

Part 2 (suggested time: 60 minutes)

Complete the two functions in Make sure to read the function headers and docstrings carefully.

Part 3 (suggested time: 20 minutes)

Use the code you wrote in Part 2 and the google doc template to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the most frequent word in the through-the-looking-glass.txt file? What is the 10th least frequent word?

  2. For the least frequent word, think of a sentence with the word. What is the probability of that word in that sentence according to the masked language model distilbert-base-uncased? Does that probability accord with its frequency in our corpus? If not, what may cause this difference?