Codelet 1: PyTorch Basics

The due date for this codelet is Friday, Jan 31 at 11:59PM.


The following is to help get you started working with PyTorch. You should draw on the textbook (Chapter 2) and the PyTorch documentation.


Your assignment

Your task is to:

  1. Download from the course website and open it. You will find these instructions and which has scaffolding for you.
  2. Complete each of the exercises using the scaffolding provided in and include a file called codelet.pdf with your answer to the broadcasting question.


When assessing your code, satisfactory achievement is demonstrated, in part, by:


For the exercises not mentioned below, you should find sufficient detail in their docstrings.

Explain broadcasting

Explain briefly (no more than 100 words) how broadcasting works with PyTorch. Provide concrete examples to ground your explanation.