COSC 101 Homework 5: Fall 2024

The due date for this homework is Thursday, October 17, 11:59pm EDT


This assignment is designed to give you practice with the following new topics:

Note: Homeworks build on each other. You should also draw on the skills you used in prior homeworks and labs, including functions and for loops.

❗ You are not allowed to use constructs/methods/statements, that we have not yet covered in this course or lab yet–which includes while loops, break and continue statements as well as string methods.

❗ Important Tips

Your assignment

Your task is to complete following steps:

  1. Download the file and open it. You will see two python files, and, in the unzipped folder. Do not change the name of these files.
  2. Complete This file is used in Part 1.
  3. Complete This file is used in Part 2.
  4. Review the grading criteria below.
  5. Submit your completed programs.

Notice that each starter .py file has a header with some information for you to fill in. Please do so. Your feedback helps the instructors better understand your experiences doing the homeworks and where we can provide better assistance.


When we are assessing your code, higher levels of achievement are demonstrated, in part, by

Part 1: Electricity Bill

Electricity is an essential resource. In this part of the homework you will write a program (adding to to compute and display information for a utility company which supplies electricity to its customers. The program should compute the cost of electric usage and the bill for a customer.

Your program should prompt the user to enter values in the following order:

  1. The customer’s billing code (one character)
  2. The customer’s electricity usage in kilowatt-hours (kWh)

The program will compute the bill amount and print some summary information. Below, some detail about the meaning for the above inputs is provided.

Please use the functions provided in the file as scaffolding. Descriptions of them and sample usage is provided to guide you. You should add relevant parameters, type annotations, and update the docstrings.

Billing code

There are three valid billing codes: r, c, and i. If an invalid code is input, the program should print an error statement.

Computing the bill

The bill amount depends on the billing code used, as follows:

Code r (residential):
$5.00 plus $0.23 per kWh

Code c (commercial):
$0.12 per kWh for the first 100 kWh then $0.17 per kWh for the remaining

Code i (industrial):
$0.11 per kWh for the first 200 kWh, then $0.15 per kWh for the next 100 kWh, finally the remaining is $0.19 per kWh

Any bills should be rounded to the nearest cent (2 decimal places).

Here is an example of the program’s output (x is user input):

Billing code for customer: x
Invalid billing code

Here is another example of the program’s output (r and 300 are user inputs):

Billing code for customer: r
kWh's of electricity customer used: 300
Customer Summary:
  Code: r
  Usage: 300
  Bill: $74.0

❗Precision is important in computer science. Make sure your output exactly matches these examples, including spacing.

Part 2: Personalized Plate

Your task is to design and implement a program that checks the validity of personalized license plates, in the style of the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles You can explore the DMV website to realize such a program exists (our rules are slightly different).

For our purpose, a valid plate is made of a combination of numbers and letters,

Additionally, a personalized license plate has the following restrictions. It cannot

You should think about how you could write a single function that could cover all the scenarios of the last two bullets for example.

Task A:

In you will find four fruitful function definitions. You should start by adding the docstrings for them and complete with one line the implementation of isLetterOrNumber.

Task B:

Next you should write code that checks the validity of a personalized plate. Your code must include a function isValidPlate that takes a string as a parameter and returns True if the string is a valid plate, or False if the string is an invalid plate. You must first convert the string to its uppercase version using our provided function. Make sure to simplify your code. Check as many conditions as you can with the least code you can.

Task C:

Once you have implemented the code to check the validity of a personalized plate, your program should ask first how many plates need to be checked. Your program should request that many plates and process each to create two sets of plates: the valid plates and the invalid ones.Your program finishes by displaying the summary of the simulation as shown below. Your program should match the format of the following three sample outputs.

How many plates do you need to enter? 4
Enter your personalized plate request #1: LOD
Enter your personalized plate request #2: B0B
Enter your personalized plate request #3: C0LGATE
Enter your personalized plate request #4: TONYSCAR
You entered the following valid plate(s)
You entered the following invalid plate(s)
How many plates do you need to enter? 3
Enter your personalized plate request #1: good
Enter your personalized plate request #2: fO0dS
Enter your personalized plate request #3: 512A
You entered the following valid plate(s)
You entered the following invalid plate(s)
good fO0dS
How many plates do you need to enter? 6
Enter your personalized plate request #1: HAM1LTON
Enter your personalized plate request #2: UNIGATE
Enter your personalized plate request #3: 13LOD13
Enter your personalized plate request #4: GO4IT
Enter your personalized plate request #5: COSC101
Enter your personalized plate request #6: PYTHON
You entered the following valid plate(s)
You did not enter any invalid plate

Submission Instructions

Submit the two Python files to the platform indicated in your class section.

Remember to complete the questions at the top of each file before submitting.